Mid Wales woman with brain aneurysm calls for builder support

A WOMAN diagnosed with a brain aneurysm has appealed for her very own DIY SOS team to help her with a falling down house.

Jojo Meadows, 45, lives in Llansilin, having moved from the Worcestershire/Herefordshire border to renovate a dream home with her family.

But her bombshell diagnosis shortly before Christmas, and her husband deciding to return to Worcestershire, have left her with a house in a state of disrepair.

Jojo has now appealed to builders across north Shropshire and Powys to give what free help they can in stabilizing their home.

“I need plumbers, plasterers, electricians, builders – I really do need my own Oswestry DIY SOS team,” said Jojo.

“I need someone who does this professionally to come to me and almost give me an inventory of what I need and then people can hopefully help with that.

“I know roughly what we need but there are deeper, structural things that have just occurred such as the wall collapsing outside.

“I don’t like asking for help but I will ask for it now, especially in having this recent diagnosis of an aneurysm so I’ve been told I’m not allowed to get stressed.

“But obviously I’ve been left in this position where I cannot do much more myself, and that’s why I need professional tradespeople to come in and help.

“I’m asking for whatever help they can give – I came here to renovate it as a little project with my husband but he is no longer here.

“I really am doing my best and there are people in the village who have stepped in when they can.”

Jojo admits she is uncomfortable leaning on peoples’ charity but hopes that she can repay them one day.

County Times:

She added: “I was diagnosed with the aneurysm about a month ago.

“The diagnosis came from my neurologist. The advice was to keep the blood pressure low and an ‘eye’ on your head.

“I can manage that but when you’re having an avalanche of other situations that are happening, trying to maintain my wellbeing is a struggle.

“I do need help – this isn’t something that I would normally do but if I saw someone in need, I would help them. If there are ways I can return the favor then I will.

“People in Llansilin have been brilliant; two people came this morning because my wall collapsed and they’re offering hugs, tea and my neighbor is offering food.”

Anyone wishing to donate funds for materials for Jojo, head to https://gofund.me/cef00e76 but if you want to get in touch to offer help, then head to www.facebook.com/groups/639543867375274

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